Balanced Hedonism Retreat

Are you seeking more joy in your life?

Do you long to experience more “ah ha” moments, more connection, more love and more happiness?
You can! The skill is in making the choice to consciously be more present, and more nurturing to – get this – yourself.

Modern neuroscience is proving what ancient healing philosophies have been saying all along: the mind and the heart are one. When we replace our “go to” behaviors with heart felt choices in the moment, we change our chemistry, we change our minds, we change our experience, we change our life!

Is this hard to do? It’s so easy you may not believe it will work, but it does.

Join us to learn simple techniques to change your consciousness & embrace the beauty and joy that is available to you in every moment. And during this seriously profound work we’ll eat yummy foods, drink delicious drinks and have fun. After all, we’re hedonists – it doesn’t have to hurt.

Experiential day long retreat with
Sandra Savine, Terre Sisson & Mary Michaud

Learn to recognize & amplify positive thoughts & habits, enhance your joyfulness, and attract even greater gifts into your life with Sandra Savine.

Prepare a delicious, nutritious, and happy-making lunch with Terre Sisson.

Explore flower essences to stimulate your communication with nature, heighten your senses, and relax into happiness with Mary Michaud.

Our next class is not scheduled yet. Email me if you’d like to be notified.