This collection of flower essences is designed to help you connect with the vast intelligence and support that is all around you. Your natural setting may be a forest, a wide meadow, or a collection of indoor plants – it makes no difference. These essences are playful tools you can use to deepen your connection to the web of life. The deeper we go, the more joy we feel and the more joy the entire planet receives. So go play, explore, invite, receive and give something away! We can each change the world with gratitude, compassion and happiness.
This set of five 1/2 oz flower essence mixes comes nestled in a blue box accented with floral origami & gold papers. The set comes with a booklet describing suggestions for use, the flowers in each mix, and instructions on how to care for your essences (see below). This collection was co-created with Nature.
Who’s in here?
1 Receptivity – Cosmos*, Gravity of Beauty*, Monarda didyma, Vitex,
Flower from La Marchesa*
2 Earth Harmony – Clematis, H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama White Morning
Glory, White Clover
3 Dance & Play – Elecampane, Lamb’s Ear, Morning Glory Sisters
(blue, pink & purple), Tomato
4 Luck of the Irish (Be Willing to Take the Leap) – Butterfly Bush, Catnip,
Elecampane, Sweet Pea, White Clover
5 Grounded Transformation – an essence of Maple flowers made in the Elder tree during a soft Spring snow
All flower essences in this set are stabilized in vinegar, and may contain trace amounts of alcohol. For in more detail about each flower essence click here.
*Green Hope Farm flower essences, all others are from the Be apothecary.
Let’s begin!
1 Start with Receptivity – take 5 drops either in your mouth, in water or on your skin. Relax, close your eyes and feel any changes in your body or thoughts.
2 Next take 3 drops of Earth Harmony. How do things change for you? Do you see differently, feel differently, have an idea you need to do something?
3 Next take 3 drops of Dance & Play. Notice any changes, thoughts, songs, playful impulses that arise. Follow them!
4 Next is Luck of the Irish – Be Willing to Take the Leap. Take 3 drops. Here’s where you get support for whatever it is you are working through. Remember to keep your humor because sometimes that support looks different than you thought it would. Come on in – the water is fine!
5 And finally Grounded Transformation. Take 5 drops of this beauty to open yourself to gentle, supportive change to stay in alignment with Earth’s continuous transformation.
You may want to keep a journal of your experiences using these flower essences. This will help you recognize any changes you might experience. I highly recommend using flower essences with a small group of friends as this amplifies the fun!
About your flower essences
When a plant blooms it sends much of its life force into the flower. Flower essences are made by placing a flower in pure water and allowing the vibration of the molecules in the flower to imprint on the water. This imprint is information our body’s electrical system can use to find balance.
To keep the information contained in your flower essence clear, take care not to touch the dropper to anything but the essence itself. If you accidentally touch the dropper to your mouth, a glass, etc. simply run the dropper under clean water for a few seconds, shake off excess water, then place the dropper back in the bottle.
To see a list of other flower essences available click here.